At The Rye Sanctuary Skin Clinic you will only receive treatment from our team of highly trained and knowledgeable specialist staff, all of whom have chosen to specialise in facial aesthetics. With The Rye Sanctuary Skin Clinic we put our clients first. We only offer the safest and most effective treatments available on the market.

We offer a range of Facial Treatments and Skincare that bridges the gap between beauty and science.
Professional and innovative techniques combined with powerful formulations that contain highly active vitamins, antioxidants, peptides and penetrant enhancers to protect and rejuvenate skin.
Whatever your skin concern, there is a treatment designed to address your skin’s specific needs and deliver incredible results.

Add definition to your brows and lashes with a professional treatment. We can bring a new look to your brows by deepening the colour catching fairer hairs and opening up the eyes. Lashes tinted look fantastic with a tint creating the look of a longer, thickened lash. Great for when mascara just won’t work whilst on holiday, swimming or just to get that extra depth of colour with your mascara.

The Ellipse intense Pulsed Light is a second-generation Intense Pulsed Light system which is clinically proven safe and effectively used for skin rejuvenation and permanent hair removal.
The technology works by emitting a high energy light similar to a laser which targets red veins and dark pigmentation areas. The light energy is absorbed naturally in the skin, encouraging dispersal of unwanted pigmented areas, and promoting the skin’s own rejuvenation process by stimulating the collagen production.
A decade of proven results, thousands of satisfied users and millions of satisfied clients’ have placed Ellipse among the world’s absolute best systems for hair reduction, vascular & pigmentation.

We have many different hair removal methods including more permanent hair removal options such as IPL and Electrolysis.
Experience professional waxing hair removal for the whole body. Continued regular treatments will result in reduced hair growth with finer and sparser hairs.

Using advanced electrolysis or IPL are the most effective methods. Here we can treat a wide range of skin blemishes easily and effectively, including skin tags, warts, blocked pores, broken capillaries etc... with a minimal skin reaction and post treatment care, thereby offering our clients a safe and proven route to improved skin confidence.